Saturday, January 16, 2010

Poetry Student Celebrate Shakespeare’s Birthday With Theatrical Performances

Poetry Student Celebrate Shakespeare’s Birthday With Theatrical Performances
How far that little candle throws his beams. So shines a good deed in a weary world. So said William Shakespeare. Although he was not talking birthday candles, Ruchira Gaswami’s poetry class did indeed celebrate the playwright’s birthday with cake and readings of some of his best works.
The sonnets of Shakespeare have stood the test of time and are celebrated by diverse groups people all over the world.
“Without Shakespeare, we’d be without movies or plays,” said Chrin Samvisal, a third-year English Literature student who enthusiastically jumped into the role of Othello for the class
presentations. “Even though he died hundreds of years ago, his works still remain today.”
Through the birthday celebration, which is officially recognized on April 23, the poetry students got a taste of Shakespeare’s repertoire. From tragedies like Romeo and Juliet to comedies like The Taming of the Shrew, they explored the lyrical words portraying love, death, jealousy and passion that made Shakespeare a legend.
Scarves transformed into Cesarean togas and bracelets became royal tiaras as the students adopted their characters.
“They were exposed to Shakespeare for the first time in their lives. They never heard of him before,” said Goswami, noting that only
Shakespearean sonnet in the course’s curriculum came from As You Like It. “I think they did quite well.”

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