Monday, October 10, 2011


October 5, 2011, Steve Jobs, who made countless iProducts for us, such as: iPods, iPhones, iPads, iTunes, and other iGadgets, has left to iHeaven. Ultimately, he left me an extraordinary gift which I would like to call it an iSad.

Though I had been, you know, for last few months, bashing around all Apple’s products, especially the iPhone4 and iPads, because I am a big fan of Samsung products, which are currently the biggest competitor with Apple, Steve is still my truly idol. I feel so sad and sorry of his absence, and I have no more feeling to bash Apple products on the Gsmarena forum. My conviction of hating iPhones and iPads has turned upside down.

Steve became a Buddhist; after visiting India during 70s and had still remained as a Buddhist until his death. He has finally reached nirvana (a peaceful place in Buddhism) or Steve himself might call it "iHeaven". Eventually, he has left the word “i”. In Buddhism, there is no word called “i” or “ego” (anitta) because everything is impermanence (anicca). Thus, to Steve whether the word “i” is yours or not; it is up to you; but in the end it is still not yours. The word “i” is a metaphor of the word “revolutionary” which struggles to shine in the dark and the force of nature.

He has left all of his “i” and has become kalaspa (sub atom) after 56 years of struggling with it. We are all, too, one day will have the same fate as him. I mean become nothing, but nothing.  

However, he has inspired billions to people to learn, live, and shine when they still alive because to him, to have “i” is unique and rebel. Nature has given us a life and life is not different from drama, so during your lifetime why don’t you make this “i”, “me”, “mine”, and “ego” ignites the light before the drama end? Steve might have said [say “i” and let it ignites the light” before the end your life!”]. Ironically, it is an obvious contradict to Buddhism itself!

 I remember the first time when I hold the third generation iPod Nano, I said “Oh my goodness! What an insanely great piece of an electronic device for watching music videos and listening to music!” The device was so adorable that time. Later, I changed to the third generation iPod Touch. It was perfect to use for gambling and watching movie, but sorry, not for sound quality. In 2010, I changed to the fifth generation iPod Nano after a big disappointment of the sixth generation iPod Nano. Apple does deserve the crown. It always move a light-year ahead in terms of designing, user interface, and innovation if compares to its competitors. “i” products are always perfect, unique, and original when it is first introduced to the market.

Well, now it is time to give him a final rest. I do admire him; he is one of my biggest inspirations. Anicca, dukkha,and anitta. I do believe these are the three marks of existence that he wants to hear from me.

Chrin Samvisal

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